Thomas La Grua's Journey to Awakening

April 11, 2023

Creative English Video Résumé – Thomas

Filed under: Writing out the Mind: 2010-July 2, 2012 — Thomas La Grua @ 1:25 pm

Hi everybody, my name is Thomas. I’m a 59 year old teacher who utilizes his time in the classroom relearning what it’s like to be young, carefree and innocent once again. The goal of this video presentation is simple: I would like to go on an overseas exchange teaching assignment to do some traveling, meet some exciting new people and learn more about different cultures. I’m changing the world, and for the next part of this adventure, I need your help.

I’m not just an ordinary teacher who wastes time pushing students to do grammar exercises, “The cat jumped over the tree; the cat has jumped over the tree” and so on. No way, not for me. Instead, I teach young people about the world as it really is, what’s really happening during this time, and the skills we need to survive the coming apocalypse, the end of time.

So if you’re wondering what the hell is going on in the world, or just need someone to set the record straight, just ask me. Are the governments lying to us; are the mRNA shots bioweapons; and do the Globalists want to turn us all into robot slaves? Of course they’re lying to us, of course the shots are bioweapons, and of course they they’re trying to turn us all into robot slaves… after they depopulate teh planet of organic humans. That is what they’re going to continue doing until we the people stand up and tell them that enough is enough.

To summarize, I want to teach abroad, but I need your help to be accepted into this program. So, please, if you’re looking for someone who’s honest and not afraid to speak plainly, I’m that that person. Thank you very much.

March 1, 2022

110-2 Blog post 1: Expository essay: “The COVID-19 Vaccines Are Killing People!”

Filed under: Writing out the Mind: 2010-July 2, 2012 — Thomas La Grua @ 4:51 pm

Awesome blog post!

Anita's Asia University Blog

Do you believe that the covid 19 vaccine could damage your body? From the data of Scotland, COVID 19 vaccine damages people’s immune systems and it could possibly create AIDS. We were going to discuss the data and information from this article.

The first evidence shows that there were more cases of COVID 19 from people who were double vaccinated and triple vaccinated compared to people who didn’t get any shots. Most cases of COVID 19 were people who get two vaccines, and second was people who got 3 vaccines, then the least was people who didn’t get vaccines.

The second chart from the article gave us how people’s immune system reacted to the vaccine. Getting vaccinated will decrease the effectiveness of the immune system. The chart recorded the data from January 15 to February 11. The immune system performance of people who get two or three shots were almost…

View original post 158 more words

June 4, 2021

_ _ _ _ -1092 Final project: My Self Introduction

Filed under: Writing out the Mind: 2010-July 2, 2012 — Thomas La Grua @ 6:51 am

Hi! My name is Thomas and I was born on an Indian reservation in Oklahoma during the  last years of what is called the Baby boomer generation. Although I love all of my brothers and sisters nowadays, back then it seems that we fought and argued a lot – at least until I was about 14 years old. That’s when my life changed in a big way for the better.

As a child, my life was not so wonderful. My mother had 6 children and when I was 7, my dad decided that he didn’t want to be a dad any more. Yea, we were poor, so poor that I sometimes had to eat peanut butter for dinner and didn’t see my mom nearly as much as I would have liked to. She always seemed to be working or driving my other brothers and sisters to gymnastics practice. Nevertheless, she was an awesome mom.

At the age of 14, I somehow got into a private high school and that’s when my life began to change for the better. With role models and a structured environment, I realized that I was not only very athletic, but also very intelligent. I joined the football team and the wrestling team. I became very strong and very athletic. By the time I graduated high school, not only was I captain of both the football and wrestling teams, but I was first in my class academically in terms of academics.

From there, I began to travel and I eventually settled in Taiwan. Although I do not have a huge amount of money, I have everything I need. Furthermore, I really enjoy teaching at Asia University, people are kind and the environment is clean. As far as I am concerned, I still have much to learn, and my journey is just beginning.

May 31, 2019

FAU1_1072 Final Project

Filed under: Writing out the Mind: 2010-July 2, 2012 — Thomas La Grua @ 9:22 am

April 20, 2014

Writing on what I’ve been writing about

Filed under: Writing out the Mind: 2010-July 2, 2012 — Tags: , , , — Thomas La Grua @ 11:44 am


Taking a break from writing about Democracy for a moment, I will share some other aspects of my world. It’s not that I have been consumed with finding a new definition for Democracy, but is is mostly what I have been doing, writing it out, finding the flaws, rewriting and rewriting. What is there to say? It is a process that I have determined to participate within. It’s not so much that it’s what I want to do as much as it is something that I see requires to be done, and I do enjoy doing it. However, there is the blockage, like a wall between that which I am able to see as like a multidimensional picture of understanding the inner and the outer or big and the small of Democracy, how it works within and as life and how it’s been hijacked by consciousness and used as a tool of mind dominance over the physical body in the small and the world system at large, the Democracy of Money.

So I’ve got this picture and I get it, but when it comes to writing it in sentences that others will get, each word becomes something that also requires to be explained in depth, words like equality and expression. Yesterday I was wondering to myself; why is it so difficult to take what understanding I have and put these points into sentences that others are able to relate to? Perhaps it is because my understanding is not yet here or perhaps it is by design.

Perhaps it is both. One point that I have considered and am leaning to is that what I am able to put into sentences is where we are as humanity. In other words, I rarely if ever have found that I have come up with something new; it’s more like everything’s here and all I require to do is untangle it from the mess of lines within and as me. And this is what I do on a daily basis, untangle the information.

In looking anew at the word, Democracy, I realize that it is essential that we as humanity redefine this word to a single understanding, one agreement-in-principle as a new design of human collective-decision-making, collective determination.

In short, Democracy is simply the collective expression of “equality” wherein the nature of the collective is determined by the aggregate expression of all participants. The bottom line here is that, the degree of equality as the ability of each participant to express within the collective determines the degree of Democracy. And there is so much more that we require to basically reinvent or invent anew because even the Greek model of majority “rule” is far too limited to be called collective expression. I mean, expression is more than just yes or no, plus or minus; it’s omnidirectional and I guess multidimensional. These considerations, we are able to input into the new system of Democracy.

So, what I have been working on is looking at the Democracy of Life, and – honestly – seeing how we are able to systematize that to fit it into the world-system. Why? Because, although it is about changing ourselves from the bottom up, too many are not in positions (of money) to be able to even consider changing themselves. Therefore, I would say we also require to not only change ourselves but also bring about changes in the system, and this I realize is the purpose of LIG (Living Income Guarantee). However, for this to be requires the corresponding changes to government. It’s like, we understand where we need to get to, but to get there we require to build the new vehicle, of (real) Democracy wherein the people are moving the changes that are aligned to the standing of the people.







March 22, 2014

The infancy of (real) Democracy, (real) Equality

These are the early days, the infancy of (real) Democracy, (real) equality wherein We the people are learning how to cooperate in directing our words and deeds to create solutions that are best for all. 

The participation of each human being in forming this world has always been real-time. What has been lagging behind is a comprehensive understanding of how we participate in what we are all creating.

This is now changing, trending towards real-time feed-back (via information/communications technology of the Internet) providing us with an increasingly detailed map of the relationship lines of the cause and effect of our direct and indirect participation within and as the world system.

In essence, what we are now being presented with is one Hell of an opportunity to in seeing the design/schismatics (the interconnectedness of the current world system), understand how it functions and then redesign it to one that is supportive for all, the goal being equality within what is best for all.

The path to understanding and living (real) Democracy, (real) Equality will be as easy or as difficult as we individually and collectively make it. We are the world within and as the relationships we accept and allow; therefore, to change the world is to change ourselves, stand up and participate so as to become the change that we are becoming.

In other words, each one of us is an equal-life component as a determinate of the manifested collective/whole of humanity. Therefore, if we disagree with the way the world-system currently works (which I for one do), all we require to-do to change the way it works is to change ourselves as the system. Specifically, in changing the way we ourselves relate to all parts of the system, we as the system change the system to our new collective specifications.

As a principled standing, I vote we create a system based on the principles of oneness and equality within what is best for all. However, one vote does not a collective decision make, and this is one of the really cool functions of what we are becoming aware of and so co-creating, our collective destiny. Be it an eternal living hell for all or an equal opportunity for all to live dignified lives, we are all equally responsible for determining and so creating the new world.

Democracy as the collective expression of Equality requires participation, and this is exactly what I have been seeing in its infancy on the world stage, people collectively standing and participating in directing world events. Our degree of progress is reflected in the changes taking place throughout the world that are clearly aligned to the directive participation or collective will of the people.

For example, recall the events leading up to the United State’s impending attack on Syria, and the buildup of the collective directive of millions of Netizens united in the stand of “do not attack Syria.” Some would say that the US backed off due to Vladimir Putin and his military standing, alone. To this, I say that one man is not responsible nor able to determine the outcome of all of mankind; however he or she is able to lead and/or direct the power of the people, either through mass participation or mass abdication of people power. In that instance, the people-power or participatory stand of the masses of “Do not attack Syria!” was a collective directive, an example of the democratic “people power,” participatory Democracy in its infancy, channeled to and through Vladimir Putin for him to carry out that directive, which he did.

How do I figure all this? Of course it’s just guesses, theories of dots and their relationships to outcomes. In the future, perhaps soon on the path to Direct Democracy, we will no longer need to guess, because we’ll all have equal access to all information.

To change the system of hierarchical power and control of Money to a system of Democracy/Equality, we the people require we stand up and do it, become what we are becoming, self directed, caring for all.

March 16, 2014

The Delusion of ‘Representative’ Democracy

Filed under: Open Source Direct Democracy — Tags: , — Thomas La Grua @ 2:33 pm

What is “Representative” Democracy doing in the age of communications/information technology? It’s like having all of our most important decisions, phone calls and emails transferred to people who we’ve never even met but we voted or abstained from voting for them or their opponents to represent us because somewhere along the lines of cultural teachings or indoctrination we came to believe that this was the system of Democracy, the right to participate at various levels of “the process of deciding which few will be granted the rights to make the actual decisions.”

They write the laws, tell us what we can eat, drink, think, buy, sell, plant, smoke, places we may go and not go, and finally the penalties should we disobey their laws and get caught. That we of so-called Representative Democracy countries do not even have a say in our national budgets, how much money goes to education, the education curriculum, minimum wadges, taxation, war, etc., is testament to the mockery of Representative Democracy being anything more than a well orchestrated scam.

As far as I know of the history of government control the masses, it’s always been this way, the few the proverbial 1% making deals, hosting dinners starting wars, and leading the parades while the rest of us, the 99% are left with the right to choose from amongst the choices we are given, sometimes a few and sometimes none at all. It’s called Democracy, but it’s really just another form of control, a governmental system in the service of Money.

In high school, I remember having an image of the USA as special. We had the freedom to choose. This was Democracy that we had fought for and won, and it was our moral obligation to spread our way of life throughout the world. Later on, I set off with this mission in mind, looking for a fight to do my part, make things right. But the contradictions, they just kept on coming, and soon I began to realize that what I had been taught in school about the dream of Democracy was just that or more like a nightmare particularly for those unlucky enough to live in areas of resources – such as water sources for family farms – that could later be confiscated and sold off to foreign corporations to pay the interest on unsustainable (foreign) debts.

Years later, the brainwashing of my education, acculturated in competition, the justification for winning at all costs in spite of the loss has faded to the physical reality of my demise and the demise of humanity simply because we have not had the foresight and/or courage to place common sense ahead of the illusion, see beyond the veils of institutions to the reality of the hierarchy of the world system, the hierarchy of money. All systems within and as the world system – politics, education, judicial, etc. – are subordinate to the money system, the almighty Dollar, Yen, Pound, Euro, Krone and so on leaving us with the reality that, Democracy in coexistence with the current money system has never been but an illusion of “free” choice, Democracy of Money.

The degree by which We the people have abdicated our will/power by not first-hand doing what requires to be done to collectively determine the course of humankind is the degree of power and control that we allot to government to govern/dictate as they will. As the saying goes, we reap what we sow. And for all those who still consider ignorance and apathy to be harmless right of free choice, here’s a consideration. An able bodied man or woman that stands by and watches or turns a blind eye while a child is abused is first-hand the abuser for not standing between the sickness and the child. Free choice is but an illusion; there is always a price to be paid – the effect or consequence of cause, be it direct or of acquiescence.

So let’s just call a spade a Spade. The problem with “Representative Democracy” (and the primary reason it’s never functioned the way we have hoped it would) is because it’s never been Democracy, at least not of the people by the people for the people. It’s always been Democracy of the Money by the Money and for the Money.

Representative Democracy, representation by proxy is an oxymoron. No one ever participated in anything by sending a representative in his or her stead. Democracy of the people by the people for the people requires direct participation by all the people, all who are able, and participation is as much a responsibility as it is a right so as to ensure the continued functionality of the Democratic system.

What We the people have been participating in is the delusion that as a system, Representative Democracy functions other than by its design within the design of the predominate capitalist system, it doesn’t. Just because the stated purpose or intention of the Representative Democracy is to represent the wants, needs and desires of the majority of the people, doesn’t make it “materially” so for the majority of the people.

How will we ever know who’s best at making all the decisions – a few politicians or all of the people – until we the people stand up and start doing it by taking responsibility and collectively making all of the decisions by ourselves? Isn’t this a function of equality? Isn’t this how Democracy was supposed to be? The age of communication/information technology is here. No more is there a need or justification for the few to decide for the many. Open Source Direct Democracy

February 23, 2014

Another dream, this one with a strange Epiphany

As I was walking out I saw a car with a man in it sinking in a spot of water. I ran and said to the people around, that a car with a man in had just sank and we have to jump in and help. They said to me, that pit is a bottomless one, he is gone. I looked into the water and I could see the bottom; it wasn’t that deep; yet neither the car nor the man were anywhere in sight. I climbed over the fence, perhaps to jump in. Another man, a rugged, cocky and reckless one climbed over with me, but his was to play a game, a game of bravery and trust. As we held onto the fence, he would move around me, letting go his grip on safety in exchange for my hand. I held him as he crossed behind me to move forward and then it was my turn. And so we moved along until suddenly something from the water below ripped at his leg. He screamed and began to slip. I yelled for help and just before he completely fell into the pit I caught him by his shirt sleeve. As he swing unconscious below me, I yelled for help again but no did. So I swung him up and over to safety, the monster still below. I saw his leg, red and shredded to bits. Me, I woke up with this epiphany, and although I have said it before in various ways, I’ll say it again because I often seem to forget. Seeing, realizing and understanding is a doing, not a state of being.  So to do.


February 14, 2014

Pledge of the Elected

I have for some time now been considering the points of politics and how to change the current situation without disrupting in such a way that causes negative/harmful effects or influences.

Two points or possibilities that I have been looking at are 1) the need or necessity for real democracy, also called direct democracy, and 2) the point of how to instill honesty but it’s like accountability into politics and also the public domain. I guess that’s more than two points, and when I expand upon them, they end up not being separate but several points which are inseparable yet require to be looked at and developed almost as stand alone points. Why? Because it’s almost going to be impossible to get all of these points, all of these changes to be instituted at the same time; therefore it is – I would say – imperative that we consider solutions that are able to be implemented in kind of like Lego fashion, kind of like components of a system that are able to be replaced and upgraded without having to replace or even shut off the entire system.

The first point that I’m going to speak about is the point of accountability in the public offices of government. Governments all over the world have been and are upping their monitoring of citizens/everybody, so why don’t we up our monitoring and surveillance of government? Surveillance of the people by the government is not the problem; not enough surveillance of the government by the people is I would say more relevant. After all it is the government that’s making the rules, deciding basically what we can and can’t do while the people sit back protesting occasionally with not really a clue as to what really goes on in the halls of government. Why don’t we change the rules, change the focus, put it on the honesty/integrity of the people who claim to be serving the interests of the people while in reality the interests of the people are being back-sided, led into a hole in the ground.

The idea I have pertaining to government surveillance of the people is to turn this point around, use the momentum of the government-speak to direct the flows of government to the benefit of all; what’s good for the people must also be good for the government. Let’s demand – as it were – that the government follow/abide by their own rules. Let’s insist that all newly elected officials pledge to institute of policy of open source accountability in all their official duties as elected officials.

Specifically I’m speaking of requiring all new and reelected public officials to (before they are elected or re-elected) sign a pledge that all of their public dealings will be open to the public, online 24/7. This means that all office telephones will be monitored, conversations recorded, all government offices will have cameras and microphones with leads to the internet for 24/7 live viewing and listening. Basically I’m speaking of doing everything possible to ensure that not one iota of public business transpires without the public having live listening and viewing access to it. Corporations monitor their private employees; let us monitor our government Employees. It’s not just a matter of national interest, it’s a matter of national security lol, people’s civic responsibility.

Of course government officials will say that this is a ridiculous idea, that they require privacy, secrecy for our own good, that they need to be able to conduct public affairs out of the prying eyes of the public. However, when we look at the root cause of the allowance of such deceit within and as the political structures, we see that it’s mainly due to unaccountability, the ability to be deceitful without being called out, caught. We also see that this institution of the people is no more an institution of the people than a private corporation is for the benefit of the people. Everything is in reverse; it looks and seems as though it’s going the right way when in reality it’s going in the opposite direction of what is best for the people, the animals, environment, earth . . .

We can change some things right away by using what we do actually have, the power of the vote. If we stand for this simple practical solution of imposing accountability onto politicians, their offices, everything, every aspect having to do with so-called public service, we are able to at the very least call the government’s bluff. What is their bluff? It’s their cards that their holding; they don’t amount to the moral righteousness of the stand they’re portraying. They are portraying the need of the people to accept for our own good the intrusiveness of government surveillance while they themselves surround themselves behind almost impenetrable walls, declaring those who would expose them to be enemies of the state. Theirs is not an honest stand; it’s a stand of fear, fearing the very people/public they claim to be serving, and this fear will only intensify until we all expose ourselves as having nothing to hide and therefore nothing to fear of each other.

Using our Internet platforms, we are able to simply spread the word that, any politicians who do not agree/sign the pledge of open government, i.e., agree to open all their conversations and dealing up to 24/7 Internet feeds, we will not vote for them.

Let’s call the government’s bluff and see what happens. Let’s turn the tables, redirect the flows of surveillance onto the government itself. Let them spy on whomever the wish; let everyone spy on each other. If this is what it takes to bring about some accountability both in the realms of government and the private sectors, so be it. At least this way we’ll all be able to see what each other is doing. Instead of trying to go against the current of surveillance, the exposing of secrets, let’s embrace the current and direct it to the benefit of all.

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