Thomas La Grua's Journey to Awakening

June 27, 2012

Day 47: Nasty comments & Disingenuous advice

Filed under: Writing out the Mind: 2010-July 2, 2012 — Thomas La Grua @ 9:30 am

There are two friends/acquaintances (of the three or four that I still have left) that I still enjoy communicating with. Recently, one of them has decided to advise me; and the other (as demonstrated through his words) has become very spiteful.

Unto the first individual, I say this: Please do NOT give me advice, unless I specifically ask for it! If one sincerely wants to advise me on the process that I’m walking, I suggest, first spending at least 14 hours a day, for the next year, studying not only the process that I’m involved in, but also relevant information regarding capitalism, politics, and so on. Then, and only then, would I appreciate hearing your advice, certain within the knowledge that that advice is coming from someone who cares enough to have thoroughly investigated the subject on which he/she wishes to advise. As for the second individual, who would attack a man/me who is simply writing-out his-own mind, observing where he is being dishonest, and striving to become honest, I say to you: Please do not resort to nastiness. It doesn’t become you – but it may –become you – if that’s the path you’re determined to follow.

Specifically: I will no longer accept and allow – tolerate and or look the other way – spitefulness and or disingenuous (portrayed as though it comes from one who knows what’s best for me) rhetoric/comments in any way, shape or form. I do appreciate comments, and I don’t even care about the attacks; but the nastiness and disingenuous advice… Please! At least, read your words, before you push, Send. The words you write are yours and yours alone – you created them; they’re you. It doesn’t matter to whom you throw them, they will always come back to you. Make sure those words are ones that you’re willing to stand by for all of eternity; otherwise, they’re just going to come back and haunt you. Thank you

I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to believe that in spending time with a friend, I would be able to assist him to realize that if the reality he has created requires constant and continuous positive thought-energy to maintain, then it’s not reality at all, but an energy-based illusion = a program. Within this, I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to manipulate self, so as to justify my participation in that which I see as my friend’s illusion – why, because it provided me with a reSpite from having to take self-responsibility, self-honestly stand, and live the change.

I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to listen to my friend, espouse the dangers of associating with “those people” or “that group,” all the while, within myself, clearly seeing that his starting-point was of self-interest – in not wanting me to change, so as not to upset the definitions of his reality.

I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to believe that in responding to a friend’s spiteful comments; I might assist him to understand that, if his standing – as a righteous man, requires attacking and degrading me; then his standing is not a standing at all, but a defensive posture, whittled down by (for ‘all’ to see in his words) anger/fear/frustration that he has projected onto me so as to not honestly face himself. I see/realize/understand that by responding to comments, who’s soul intention is to spite me or another, I am in essence supporting him to remain trapped within and as the personality of self-denial = the refusal to see that no matter how-much one blames another for the creation of his anger/spite/frustration; the true source/responsibility always lies with the words’ creator – in spite of himself. I will no longer allow myself to play the ego’s game – neither his, nor mine.


  1. I agree with you, Steven
    Thank you

    Comment by Thomas La Grua — June 29, 2012 @ 9:09 am

  2. Hi Thomas. I have been reading some of your blog posts. There is nothing you are doing here that should have evoked some of the nasty comments you’ve had to tolerate. Some of what you write about is actually quite fascinating, some of it seems like worthwhile self-improvement, and some of it seems like a harmless bit of navel gazing. That’s just how it strikes my ego-self — for whatever that’s worth. A wise ego construct once wrote: “to change your habits you must also change your friends.” While it may not be a truism, it would seem to contain some truth, n’est-ce pas?

    Comment by steve — June 28, 2012 @ 6:24 am

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